- adultly
- [`ædʌltlɪˏ ə`dʌltlɪ]солидно, зрело; по-взрослому, не по-детски
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
adultly — əˈdəltlē, ˈaˌd , aˈd , li adverb : in a manner typical of an adult you re too adultly serious Aldous Huxley adultly uncompromising … Useful english dictionary
adultly — adverb In an adult manner, not childishly. Cant we all sit down and discuss this adultly, without the childish name calling? … Wiktionary
adultly — adverb see adult I … New Collegiate Dictionary
adultly — adv. maturely, in an adult manner … English contemporary dictionary
adultly — adult·ly … English syllables
adult — I. adjective Etymology: Latin adultus, past participle of adolescere to grow up, from ad + olescere (from alescere to grow) more at old Date: 1531 1. fully developed and mature ; grown up 2. of, relating to, intended for, or befitting adults < an … New Collegiate Dictionary
adult — adulthood, n. adultlike, adj. adultly, adv. adultness, n. /euh dult , ad ult/, adj. 1. having attained full size and strength; grown up; mature: an adult person, animal, or plant. 2. of, pertaining to, or befitting adults. 3. intended for adults; … Universalium
adult — [ adʌlt, ə dʌlt] noun a person who is fully grown and developed. ↘Law a person who has reached the age of majority. adjective fully grown and developed. ↘of, for, or characteristic of adults. Derivatives adulthood noun adultly adverb Origin C16:… … English new terms dictionary
adult — adj. & n. adj. 1 mature, grown up. 2 a of or for adults (adult education). b euphem. sexually explicit; indecent (adult films). n. 1 an adult person. 2 Law a person who has reached the age of majority. Derivatives: adulthood n. adultly adv.… … Useful english dictionary